It is our dear cousin Lauren's birthday tomorrow and we just wanna give a shout-out to her - HAPPY BIRTHDAY Laurie! Hope it's as awesome as it could possibly be! We'll be thinking of you!
Luv, us
November 27, 2006
November 25, 2006
Mark Hall's Testimony - Part 1 of 3
Do yourself a favour and watch as Mark Hall (lead singer of Casting Crowns) shares his heart. He addresses Satan's lie that you're just not good enough to do anything for the Lord. This is really good stuff!
November 23, 2006
A Convicting Quote
People do not drift toward holiness. Apart from grace-driven effort, people do not gravitate toward godliness, prayer, obedience to Scripture, faith, and delight in the Lord. We drift toward compromise and call it tolerance; we drift toward disobedience and call it freedom; we drift toward superstition and call it faith. We cherish the indiscipline of lost self-control and call it relaxation; we slouch toward prayerlessness and delude ourselves into thinking we have escaped legalism; we slide toward godlessness and convince ourselves we have been liberated.
- D.A. Carson (For the Love of God)
- D.A. Carson (For the Love of God)
November 17, 2006
"Bible Experience"
As I read a piece of news over at this weekend, I couldn't help but think, are Christians today brain-dead? Once you've read this, I'm pretty sure you'll be thinking along similar lines.
It seems that Zondervan (a Christian publishing company) has just released an audio Bible. But this isn't your typical audio Bible. No, this audio Bible features the voices of Denzyl Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Cuba Gooding Jr., Angela Bassett, and a host of other celebrities (actors, actresses, etc). What's more, this production has enlisted a full-scale orchestra to help capture people's attention.
Kyle Bowser, the driving force behind the project, shared his reason for this production. When he "recommitted" himself to Christianity (whatever that can mean in Hollywood), he began listening to an audio Bible but "quit listening after the first two or three discs". Why? Because he was not inspired by the storytelling. Bowser states, The production value was lacking and I thought, gee whiz, if we could do this and really capture people's attention, how much more impactful and engaging it might be.
Here is a novel idea - why not let Amighty God "capture people's attention" with His living Word? Do we need to add music and drama to God's Word to impact people? Or do we believe the Scriptures when it says, for the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12)?
Furthermore, Bowser said, There was some debate among the producers whether to restrict the cast to Christians. They finally decided not to, since the Bible is filled with both Christians and non-Christians. True. But that certainly doesn't mean that there are only insignificant differences between the two! God embraces the one and condemns the other! Can a Christian really benefit from the Word of God when it is being read by pagans? I simply don't think I could remove the voice from the actor/actress.
Am I crazy to be so shocked and offended by this? I would really appreciate feedback on how y'all feel and think about the "Bible Experience".
Pea #1 (Alli)
It seems that Zondervan (a Christian publishing company) has just released an audio Bible. But this isn't your typical audio Bible. No, this audio Bible features the voices of Denzyl Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Cuba Gooding Jr., Angela Bassett, and a host of other celebrities (actors, actresses, etc). What's more, this production has enlisted a full-scale orchestra to help capture people's attention.
Kyle Bowser, the driving force behind the project, shared his reason for this production. When he "recommitted" himself to Christianity (whatever that can mean in Hollywood), he began listening to an audio Bible but "quit listening after the first two or three discs". Why? Because he was not inspired by the storytelling. Bowser states, The production value was lacking and I thought, gee whiz, if we could do this and really capture people's attention, how much more impactful and engaging it might be.
Here is a novel idea - why not let Amighty God "capture people's attention" with His living Word? Do we need to add music and drama to God's Word to impact people? Or do we believe the Scriptures when it says, for the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12)?
Furthermore, Bowser said, There was some debate among the producers whether to restrict the cast to Christians. They finally decided not to, since the Bible is filled with both Christians and non-Christians. True. But that certainly doesn't mean that there are only insignificant differences between the two! God embraces the one and condemns the other! Can a Christian really benefit from the Word of God when it is being read by pagans? I simply don't think I could remove the voice from the actor/actress.
Am I crazy to be so shocked and offended by this? I would really appreciate feedback on how y'all feel and think about the "Bible Experience".
Pea #1 (Alli)
Happy Birthday Beth!
So Much More than Captivating

One of the most useless books we ever read is Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John and Stasi Eldredge. That may not be a very nice thing to say about someone's book, but it is wholly true. At the heart of our dissastisfaction is the elevation of women and the diminishing of God which this book implicitly suggests. Another serious problem with this book is the Eldredge's assertion that gender-specific roles are a product of the Fall and not God's perfect design. Furthermore, in the first chapter, the authors exhibit a blatant scorn of the Proverbs 31 woman! This book quotes movies and celebrities more than Scripture, and human experience is exalted over Biblical revelation. We'd recommend a review over at - we'd post a link but don't know how! :) So girls - a word to the wise, don't read this book! Guys - don't buy this book for any female in your life! By the way, John Eldredge wrote a book called Wild at Heart for men. I'd be interested to hear from any guys who have read this book - is it simply the male equivalent of Captivating?

Now here's a book you should read. So Much More by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin. Girls from BBC, you will recognise this book as the one we will be going through in our book club. Now here's a book that embraces, rather than resents, the feminine role.
November 16, 2006
Keep On Shinin'

For the past few weeks, this song has been playing in my car c-o-n-s-t-a-n-t-l-y and has been a huge blessing and challenge to me. As I drive to varsity or work, I am reminded to "keep on shining" and to not be ashamed of this amazing news that I have - why keep it a secret? How selfish is that!? I could have literally written this song myself - that's how accurately it describes my thoughts when it comes to witnessing. I guess that's why I like it so much. Hope it blesses y'all as much as it did for me. Oh yeah...keep on shining, people.
"Keep On Shinin'"
It feels like forever since I can remember
It seems like it's always been this way
Keep the good news to ourselves, like a secret we'll never tell
I don't know why we've been so ashamed
But changes are in the air, sparks are starting everywhere
And oh, what a sweet, sweet sound
With millions of voices, singing new choruses
Leading the way to higher ground
Keep on, keep on shinin'
Wherever you may be
Keep on, keep on shinin'
For all the world to see
Having faith in the long run is easier said than done
It's hard to live out in the light of day
You're bruised and you're battered, your dreams have been shattered
Your best laid plans scattered over the place
Despite all your tendencies, God sees it differently
Your struggle's a time to grow
And you, you're a miracle, anything but typical
It's time for the whole wide world to know
Philippians 2:15 - that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe
Pea #1 (Alli)
November 15, 2006
Boring Blog...?
November 7, 2006
Zachary Taylor - An Example of Godliness
Exodus 20:8 - "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
Zachary Taylor was the 12th President of the United States of America. He was more than that, though. He was also a strong Christian who refused to comprimise his beliefs. James K. Polk's term as President expired on March 3, 1849. His successor Taylor was to be inaugurated the next day, which was a Sunday. He could have just done the easy thing and followed the crowd. But, he didn't. He obeyed his heavenly Father, postponed his inauguration to the Monday, and kept the Sabbath day holy. Wow, what an witness that must have been to the whole nation! His example has inspired me to be a shining light to the people around me by keeping the Sabbath day holy.
Pea #4 (Jess)
Zachary Taylor was the 12th President of the United States of America. He was more than that, though. He was also a strong Christian who refused to comprimise his beliefs. James K. Polk's term as President expired on March 3, 1849. His successor Taylor was to be inaugurated the next day, which was a Sunday. He could have just done the easy thing and followed the crowd. But, he didn't. He obeyed his heavenly Father, postponed his inauguration to the Monday, and kept the Sabbath day holy. Wow, what an witness that must have been to the whole nation! His example has inspired me to be a shining light to the people around me by keeping the Sabbath day holy.
Pea #4 (Jess)
November 6, 2006
Dying to Self-Entitlement
About a week ago, I switched on the television and saw that Dr. Phil was on. The episode was all about "moochers". What are moochers, you ask? Moochers are twenty-something, fully-abled adults who continue to live with their parents. They have no job, don't go to university or college, and do absolutely nothing of significance all their parent's expense! All-wise Dr. Phil (note: just kidding) made an interesting observation. He noted that our generation (born in the 1980s and beyond) is characterized by a sense of entitlement. For the most part, our generation believes that what we want, we should get - no questions asked, no difficulties, no roadblocks. In a word...self-entitlement. I believe that this is a product of the self-loving, Oprah-propogated philosophy that tells us, you can do anything you want to do, go for your dreams, know yourself, love yourself, etc. And let's not forget the all-importance of a positive self-concept. Now don't get me wrong, I think that the above concepts have their place, but to focus on them as one's sole belief and aspiration is going to exalt one person above all! When we are constantly being urged to pursue our dreams no matter what and to work hard to improve our self-esteem and love ourselves, the only logical outflow of this will be a self-centredness and a subconscious notion that somehow the world owes us something. Again, a sense of entitlement.
This week, I have really noticed this sense of entitlement in the world, and sadly, in myself. Complaining about my varsity workload; getting angry when a taxi cuts me off; frustration when things don't get done my way. All of these reations point to a sense of entitlement, of which the basis lies in a fundamental belief that the world should revolve around me. And be honest with yourself, this isn't just an Allison sin, this is a tendency that exists in the heart of every human being, as in II Timothy 3:2 which states that in the last days men will be lovers of themselves.
It's a pretty bleak, selfish picture, isn't it? I guess we could stop the discussion now and go away feeling hopeless, but I take comfort and exhortation from three biblical principles which address this sin of self-entitlement.
Firstly, as God's children, we are a new creation and have been redeemed that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again (II Corinthians 5:15). Christ Himself made Himself of no reputaion and became a bondservant, humbling Himself even to the humiliating death on a cross (Philippians 2:7&8). And guess what? As Christ-followers, His power exists in us to follow Him in His humble, self-dying, cross-carrying life.
Secondly, I take hope in the fact that we are not called to die to self merely in order to die, but in order to truly live (Elisabeth Elliot, Passion and Purity). James 4:10 tells us that if we humble ourselves as Christ humbled Himself, we will also be exalted as He was exalted. Our motive for dying to self and rejecting sinful self-entitlement exists in a love for Christ and His glory.
Finally, I am exhorted to reject self-entitlement by one of my all-time favourite verses, in which I regularly find new depths of meaning. Philippians 2:14&15 exhorts God-followers to do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. God's Word tells us that our rejection of self-entitlement will be a powerful testimony and witness to our unbelieving friends and family. What a motive!
I hope this will be of some encouragement to you, as it undoubtedly has been to me. May we continue to strive for greater holiness for the glory of God and salvation of people.
Pea #1 (Alli)
This week, I have really noticed this sense of entitlement in the world, and sadly, in myself. Complaining about my varsity workload; getting angry when a taxi cuts me off; frustration when things don't get done my way. All of these reations point to a sense of entitlement, of which the basis lies in a fundamental belief that the world should revolve around me. And be honest with yourself, this isn't just an Allison sin, this is a tendency that exists in the heart of every human being, as in II Timothy 3:2 which states that in the last days men will be lovers of themselves.
It's a pretty bleak, selfish picture, isn't it? I guess we could stop the discussion now and go away feeling hopeless, but I take comfort and exhortation from three biblical principles which address this sin of self-entitlement.
Firstly, as God's children, we are a new creation and have been redeemed that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again (II Corinthians 5:15). Christ Himself made Himself of no reputaion and became a bondservant, humbling Himself even to the humiliating death on a cross (Philippians 2:7&8). And guess what? As Christ-followers, His power exists in us to follow Him in His humble, self-dying, cross-carrying life.
Secondly, I take hope in the fact that we are not called to die to self merely in order to die, but in order to truly live (Elisabeth Elliot, Passion and Purity). James 4:10 tells us that if we humble ourselves as Christ humbled Himself, we will also be exalted as He was exalted. Our motive for dying to self and rejecting sinful self-entitlement exists in a love for Christ and His glory.
Finally, I am exhorted to reject self-entitlement by one of my all-time favourite verses, in which I regularly find new depths of meaning. Philippians 2:14&15 exhorts God-followers to do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. God's Word tells us that our rejection of self-entitlement will be a powerful testimony and witness to our unbelieving friends and family. What a motive!
I hope this will be of some encouragement to you, as it undoubtedly has been to me. May we continue to strive for greater holiness for the glory of God and salvation of people.
Pea #1 (Alli)
November 4, 2006
The 6th Pea...Not Forgotten
When discussing what we would write about in our blog, we unanimously agreed that one of our first posts should be a tribute to the sister of our hearts. As some of you know, our family fostered a little girl for seven months of this year. As a precaution, we won't mention her name, but most of you know it anyway. This precious little girl of 5 years arrived at our home in March of this year and we instantly adjusted as if she had been part of our family from the very beginning. Slowly but undeniably, she worked her way into our hearts until we each adored her like any little sister should be adored. She filled our home with sweetness and sassiness. She made us laugh with her unpredictable comments and mannerisms. Admittedly, at times she drove us crazy with her natural (and maddening) chattiness. But all of these emotions we experienced with her in our home are simply a part of sisterhood. These highs and lows proves that she became one of us, a sister, another VM chica...the 6th Pea. We said goodbye to her on October 7, 2006 with bittersweet emotions. Bitter because we knew we'd miss her like nothing we'd ever known. Sweet...she was finally getting the forever family that every child should have. We will never forget the sister of our heart and we continue to pray for her every day...for her forever family, her life choices, but most profoundly for her salvation. Please join us in praying that God would grant our 6th sister with a new heart so that the goodbye we said in October does not have to be forever.
With sisterly love and remembrance of Pea #6,
The Peas
With sisterly love and remembrance of Pea #6,
The Peas

November 3, 2006
A Funny
Welcome to Our World
Well, here it is...the moment you've all been waiting for (drumroll, please). The VM chicas/peas have finally decided to add our voices to the millions (billions?) of those who think that other people care what is going on in their lives and minds. That's a joke for those of you who are feeling slighted right about now. :)
Anyway, this blog is a joint endeavor, authored by 5 (gorgeous, smart, funny, etc) sisters who have a lot to say about a lot of things (hey, we're opinionated -- we're women!). out we come.
The VM Chicas/Peas
Anyway, this blog is a joint endeavor, authored by 5 (gorgeous, smart, funny, etc) sisters who have a lot to say about a lot of things (hey, we're opinionated -- we're women!). out we come.
The VM Chicas/Peas
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