November 7, 2006

Zachary Taylor - An Example of Godliness

Exodus 20:8 - "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."

Zachary Taylor was the 12th President of the United States of America. He was more than that, though. He was also a strong Christian who refused to comprimise his beliefs. James K. Polk's term as President expired on March 3, 1849. His successor Taylor was to be inaugurated the next day, which was a Sunday. He could have just done the easy thing and followed the crowd. But, he didn't. He obeyed his heavenly Father, postponed his inauguration to the Monday, and kept the Sabbath day holy. Wow, what an witness that must have been to the whole nation! His example has inspired me to be a shining light to the people around me by keeping the Sabbath day holy.
Pea #4 (Jess)


caleb said...

Uhhhh... That would be Jess. Dani's is one down. :)

Good post Jess.

Anonymous said...

Actually, Beth, the more PC term is "people who stutter". Just so you know, me being the speech therapist and all. :)