One of the most useless books we ever read is Captivating: Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Soul by John and Stasi Eldredge. That may not be a very nice thing to say about someone's book, but it is wholly true. At the heart of our dissastisfaction is the elevation of women and the diminishing of God which this book implicitly suggests. Another serious problem with this book is the Eldredge's assertion that gender-specific roles are a product of the Fall and not God's perfect design. Furthermore, in the first chapter, the authors exhibit a blatant scorn of the Proverbs 31 woman! This book quotes movies and celebrities more than Scripture, and human experience is exalted over Biblical revelation. We'd recommend a review over at www.cbmw.org - we'd post a link but don't know how! :) So girls - a word to the wise, don't read this book! Guys - don't buy this book for any female in your life! By the way, John Eldredge wrote a book called Wild at Heart for men. I'd be interested to hear from any guys who have read this book - is it simply the male equivalent of Captivating?

Now here's a book you should read. So Much More by Anna Sofia and Elizabeth Botkin. Girls from BBC, you will recognise this book as the one we will be going through in our book club. Now here's a book that embraces, rather than resents, the feminine role.
"We'd recommend a review over at www.cbmw.org - we'd post a link but don't know how! :)"
Alright, that made me rocfl!!!
Seriously, Stu. We have absolutely no idea! You know how much we hate to look like helpless females but in this case, we are! HELP! :)
Alli, I know that "Wild at Heart" has received with quite a lot of criticism.
Thank you for your general warning regarding Eldridge. Your warning reminds me of something I once read by A. W. Pink:
Few people today realize the
urgent need for 'taking heed' unto what they read. Just as the natural food which is eaten either helps or hinders the body; so the mental food we receive either benefits or injures the mind, and that, in turn, affects the heart. [...] Christian reader, if you value the health of your soul, cease hearing and quit reading all that is lifeless, unctionless, powerless--no matter what prominent or popular name is attached thereto. Life is too short to waste valuable time on that which profits not.
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