December 7, 2006

The Goodness of God

Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord,
Who daily loads us with benefits,
The God of our Salvation!

Ponder it. God - the Maker of the universe, the Most High King, the One who holds this earth together. This God daily loads us - pitiful, pathetic, transient specks on this earth - with benefits. What benefits? Clothes on our backs, food at our tables, homes, cars, sunshine, music, friends, birds, health, babies, colour, the list cannot be exhausted. And this over and above God's gift of redemption! There are no words to adequately describe the goodness of our God!


Bethany said...

His daily benefits -- how would we live without them? Yet how often I take them for granted!

Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the web Allison! I've enjoyed reading your blog -- five sisters! How fun! I have seven sisters, and they truly are my best friends. Blessings to you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bethany - thanks for stopping by! Yes having so many sisters is a lot of fun - I wouldn't trade it for anything! Although I've always thought it would be really great to have an older brother. :)

Anonymous said...

I never knew you had a brother Celeste!

Unknown said...

I only got 2 sisters.Hey Bethany do you have a brother?

Anonymous said...

Great thoughts. While were on the subject I got an older brother and a younger brother. And three younger sisters. Three boys and than three sisters!

Anna and Miriam said...

Great thoughts!

About sisters... I have 4, so there's 5 of us all together. I also have 2 older brothers, and they really are wonderful!

Unknown said...

i have an older brother and he is a handful! ;)