November 6, 2006

Dying to Self-Entitlement

About a week ago, I switched on the television and saw that Dr. Phil was on. The episode was all about "moochers". What are moochers, you ask? Moochers are twenty-something, fully-abled adults who continue to live with their parents. They have no job, don't go to university or college, and do absolutely nothing of significance all their parent's expense! All-wise Dr. Phil (note: just kidding) made an interesting observation. He noted that our generation (born in the 1980s and beyond) is characterized by a sense of entitlement. For the most part, our generation believes that what we want, we should get - no questions asked, no difficulties, no roadblocks. In a word...self-entitlement. I believe that this is a product of the self-loving, Oprah-propogated philosophy that tells us, you can do anything you want to do, go for your dreams, know yourself, love yourself, etc. And let's not forget the all-importance of a positive self-concept. Now don't get me wrong, I think that the above concepts have their place, but to focus on them as one's sole belief and aspiration is going to exalt one person above all! When we are constantly being urged to pursue our dreams no matter what and to work hard to improve our self-esteem and love ourselves, the only logical outflow of this will be a self-centredness and a subconscious notion that somehow the world owes us something. Again, a sense of entitlement.

This week, I have really noticed this sense of entitlement in the world, and sadly, in myself. Complaining about my varsity workload; getting angry when a taxi cuts me off; frustration when things don't get done my way. All of these reations point to a sense of entitlement, of which the basis lies in a fundamental belief that the world should revolve around me. And be honest with yourself, this isn't just an Allison sin, this is a tendency that exists in the heart of every human being, as in II Timothy 3:2 which states that in the last days men will be lovers of themselves.

It's a pretty bleak, selfish picture, isn't it? I guess we could stop the discussion now and go away feeling hopeless, but I take comfort and exhortation from three biblical principles which address this sin of self-entitlement.

Firstly, as God's children, we are a new creation and have been redeemed that those who live should live no longer for themselves, but for Him who died for them and rose again (II Corinthians 5:15). Christ Himself made Himself of no reputaion and became a bondservant, humbling Himself even to the humiliating death on a cross (Philippians 2:7&8). And guess what? As Christ-followers, His power exists in us to follow Him in His humble, self-dying, cross-carrying life.

Secondly, I take hope in the fact that we are not called to die to self merely in order to die, but in order to truly live (Elisabeth Elliot, Passion and Purity). James 4:10 tells us that if we humble ourselves as Christ humbled Himself, we will also be exalted as He was exalted. Our motive for dying to self and rejecting sinful self-entitlement exists in a love for Christ and His glory.

Finally, I am exhorted to reject self-entitlement by one of my all-time favourite verses, in which I regularly find new depths of meaning. Philippians 2:14&15 exhorts God-followers to do all things without complaining and disputing that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world. God's Word tells us that our rejection of self-entitlement will be a powerful testimony and witness to our unbelieving friends and family. What a motive!

I hope this will be of some encouragement to you, as it undoubtedly has been to me. May we continue to strive for greater holiness for the glory of God and salvation of people.
Pea #1 (Alli)


Stuart said...

"And be honest with yourself, this isn't just an Allison sin, this is a tendency that exists in the heart of every human being..."

Isn't it strange how often we cloak our selfish tendencies beneath a veneer of selflessness? We act so selfless before others that we get angy when they don't applaud us for our selflessness! Maybe that's just me talking, but I know that it's certainly a temptation that I often face.

The VM Chicas said...
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Anonymous said...

This is such an important reminder! Thanks Alli :)

You alluded to it in your post (i.e. Jesus' words in Matt 16:24): Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.

It's amazing how the Scripture is completely counter-cultural! Jesus' words are clear in that there is no "self-time" or "time to vegetate" as our culture continually indoctrinates us to believe! Interestingly, our sociology lecturer told us this year that we MUST set aside time to vegetate and that it is imperative to do so. He added, just as you say Alli, that we are entitled to it!

Stu, thanks also for your words. That highly deceptive aspect of our human nature can certainly never be overplayed and warned against.

Anonymous said...

Dave, this one little word you mentioned got me thinking. Vegetate. I looked it up to find its exact meaning and Merriam-Webster defines it as: "to lead a passive existence without exertion of body or mind". My pondering is this: does the Bible teach that it is wrong to vegetate once in a while so long as it is done in moderation and doesn't enslave an individual? When Jesus spoke of denying oneself, was He speaking of denying one's sinful tendencies only, or does this command also include natural aspects of being human (i.e. sleep, eating, rest, etc)? Because under the definition of vegetate, many more activities could be included than the typical (e.g. watching TV), such as sleeping, etc. Just a pondering. :) Insights anybody?

I'd better go exert my mind and go study! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Alli :)

There are a whole host of verses which I believe shatter the argument for vegetation of any sort. However, I believe there is one verse which is the synopsis of them all:

"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.' (Mark 12:30)

This verse leaves no room whatsoever for passivity, self-indulgence, vegetation or anything not done directly for the glory of God.

The Scriptures certainly don't discount the necessities of life (such as eating, sleep & exercise). They fall into the category of needs - rather than wants (such as vegetation in front of a movie or TV)

To weigh out these seemingly negative thoughts with the positive - the Scriptures make it very clear that it is not only an overwhelmingly joyful thing to be slaves of God with all our strength, mind, heart & soul... They go even further to say that this is the only way we obtain true joy!

Anonymous said...

I suppose it would depend on what you mean by "vegetate." Afer all, Jesus himself at one time told his disciples, "Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while." He said this because "many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat. And they went away in the boat to a desolate place by themselves" (Mark 6:31-32). Jesus recognised that his disciples needed time just to rest from their ministry and in fact commanded them to do so.

Anonymous said...

Stu and Dave, thanks for your comments. I think you hit the nail on the head, Dave, when you mentioned that Scripture leaves no room for anything not done for the glory of God. It's easy to get caught up in legalism and find myself wondering, "well then, what am I allowed to do -- what exact activities are vegetating activities?" But this truth of only doing what is for the glory of God is the ultimate guideline for all I do.

But...and I'm sure this is another topic in and of itself - what does it mean to do all for the glory of God? It's such a huge issue that I can't wrap my mind around it. I can understand that I am glorifying God when I read my Bible, or sing praises to Him, or go to church. But how does scrapbooking glorify God? Making dinner? Having a braaii or a picnic? This truth of glorifying God in all we do has HUGE implications! Any and all insights would be welcome! :)

Anonymous said...

You're right Alli. One of the most amazing verses in all Scripture--at least to my mind--is 1 Corinthians 10:31, "So, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." It's astounding to think that, even in simple little things like eating and drinking, we can glorify God. How all of that works out practically is something that I'm not sure I am equipped to answer fully.

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