November 17, 2006

"Bible Experience"

As I read a piece of news over at this weekend, I couldn't help but think, are Christians today brain-dead? Once you've read this, I'm pretty sure you'll be thinking along similar lines.

It seems that Zondervan (a Christian publishing company) has just released an audio Bible. But this isn't your typical audio Bible. No, this audio Bible features the voices of Denzyl Washington, Samuel L. Jackson, Cuba Gooding Jr., Angela Bassett, and a host of other celebrities (actors, actresses, etc). What's more, this production has enlisted a full-scale orchestra to help capture people's attention.

Kyle Bowser, the driving force behind the project, shared his reason for this production. When he "recommitted" himself to Christianity (whatever that can mean in Hollywood), he began listening to an audio Bible but "quit listening after the first two or three discs". Why? Because he was not inspired by the storytelling. Bowser states, The production value was lacking and I thought, gee whiz, if we could do this and really capture people's attention, how much more impactful and engaging it might be.

Here is a novel idea - why not let Amighty God "capture people's attention" with His living Word? Do we need to add music and drama to God's Word to impact people? Or do we believe the Scriptures when it says, for the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart (Hebrews 4:12)?

Furthermore, Bowser said, There was some debate among the producers whether to restrict the cast to Christians. They finally decided not to, since the Bible is filled with both Christians and non-Christians. True. But that certainly doesn't mean that there are only insignificant differences between the two! God embraces the one and condemns the other! Can a Christian really benefit from the Word of God when it is being read by pagans? I simply don't think I could remove the voice from the actor/actress.

Am I crazy to be so shocked and offended by this? I would really appreciate feedback on how y'all feel and think about the "Bible Experience".
Pea #1 (Alli)


Anonymous said...

Well I don't think it's neccesarily wrong to have those actors read it. What I do think is wrong is that the Bible is being used as just another way to pass time and entertain yourself.

Anonymous said...

Sad that he stopped listening to the Bible on audio because he didn't find it inspiring enough. Some "Christians today are so like that, they need something fun going on... kind of makes me wonder what this guy does during a sermon. :)

Anonymous said...

This is a very interesting story, Alli. Like Caleb says, it is not necessarily wrong that actors read it - just as it is not wrong that unbelievers may print a Bible.

However, there still is a problem. I have just listened to a sermon by Martyn Lloyd Jones entitled "The Age of the Clinical". He asserts that problems like the one you have pointed out are due to a massive philosophical world problem. You can download the sermon here. I'd highly recommend listening! (Sermon provided by the MLJ Trust)

Anonymous said...

I've just found the first part of "The Age of the Clinical". You can download it here

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your comments everyone! I appreciate your thoughts!

Chris McCarthy - welcome! May I ask how you stumbled upon our humble blog? :)

I agree with what y'all say about it not being wrong for unbelieving actors to read the Bible. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we saw some of these actors coming to a saving relationship with Jesus Christ through this project!

What I do think it problematic is the whole motive behind it. To attempt to "spice up" the Bible in order to attract more listeners offends me as one of God's children. What's sad (and telling) is that apparently this audio Bible is Zondervan's fastest selling one. Why? I would think because it has Denzyl Washington's (and other's) smooth voice reading it.

Chris, you bring up an interesting point regarding unbelievers acting in Bible (or Christian) shows and movies. You've given me something to think about. :)

Beth, good point - I would love to see this guy sit through one of my dad's long sermons! :)

Dave, thanks for the recommendation. I'll definitely try to listen to that sermon (if this computer allows me to!)

Anonymous said...

Alli, have you listened to the project? Denzel Washington's not even in the New Testament reading. In fact, there aren't huge names in the New Testament so much as Blair Underwood and a few interspersed but the motive behind this is to get people to hear the story. It's the same way as others explaining the Bible in a way that makes sense. Perhaps this will make sense to the listener. Example: What of the people in cultures who have never heard the word and also do not know what fishing is because they are hunters or they live in a landlocked country or deep in some secluded part of a country....seriously. They won't know what a fisher of men is and who's going to explain it to them? I think this is just a way for information to be given in a way that works for that person. It's an example of being an auditory, visual, or kinesthetic learner.