Recently I've been thinking alot about music. Taking a good look at the stuff we Christians listen to, and what the world listens to. And sadly, they're often the same. This ought not to be! Shouldn't we be different from the world? Isn't that the only way we can be a light? There are a few things I'd like to discuss regarding music:
(1) Firstly, regarding ungodly music. Or rather, ungodly lyrics. Lyrics that obviously go against everything Christ taught. Lyrics promoting, laughing at, and enjoying those sins that Christ died for. I've found this is a great filter through which to run music. My dad tells the story of a couple that decided when they got married, that they weren't going to be entertained by anything that Christ was crucified for. Just think about that for 2 seconds. It's a good principle, isn't it? And surely that's the very least we can do, after all the Christ gave up for us! What is a couple of songs compared to the fulfilling joy of glorifying and honoring Christ, and having a better relationship with Him?! The question isn't, how close can we get to the edge and still be "Christian"; but rather, how far will we retreat from the edge in order to portray Christ more?
(2) Now, not all music is strictly "sinful" Some music seems on the surface, OK. But is it really? I don't know about you girls, but I am sick and tired of all these tweeny-bopper Barbie dolls telling us that all we need is "that perfect guy" and we'll be "complete". Or, my "favorite" Hannah Montana song, and I quote - "I know I've found the piece I've missing - I'm looking at him" speaking of her latest crush. Surely we can do better than this! And I include myself. How many times have I put on some fun music, not knowing how these subtle messages really affect ones life.
(3) Well, we can't just sit around listening to nothing, can we? Actually, yes :) Do we really need music as a background to everything we do? Now, I love music and am not saying never put on some Steven Curtis Chapman while you're washing dishes. But it seems to me that maybe the reason why there is such a "vacuum of thinking people" :) is because, we don't think! How can we think, if we have music playing 24/7? Just imagine how we would grow, if instead of playing music while doing chores, exercising, etc. we, for example, meditated on God's Word? Prayed? Worked on memorizing the Scriptures? Had a good conversation with our family? Let's be different from the people who walk around everywhere with their Ipod in their ears. Let's take dominion of music, and not let it take dominion over us.
(4) That being said, why not write your own music? If there isn't a worship song out there that says what you wanna say, why not write your own? It's easier than you think it is. I believe that everyone is capable of singing and making music to God. He did command it in His Word (Col. 3:16), so surely He will provide the means to doing it.
Let's remember our theme verse, Col. 3:17, and include our music and singing in doing everything to the glory of God!